Tag: Rural

Picture of the Day for August 10, 2014

The other day I had mapped out a route to take me by some older country churches on my way to a funeral. With the help of aerial maps, I could tell ahead if the church looked old and how high the steeple was from the shadow on the ground. Some of the churches I could find out some history before I left on the road trip and I thought I knew which church would be the oldest one, built before 1900, but I was wrong as I found an older church.

And the first thing I noticed when I got out of the car, at what turned out to be the oldest built church on my trip, was the weather vane on top of the steeple which proudly displayed the year it was built. Section 10 Lutheran Church, east of Cumberland, WI, was built in 1893 on land given by Oluf Charles Christiansen Rolla with lumber donated by Peter Johnson, both are buried in the cemetery.

Although it is a small church, it is surprising how many lives it has touched, as not only does it have a family connection to me, but the band teacher from my high school years (which is more than an hour away), was also confirmed there and his grandfather helped build the church.

Section 10 Lutheran Church

Section 10 Lutheran Church


And the weather vane which has weathered many years.

Section 10 Lutheran Church Weather Vane

Picture of the Day for July 23, 2014

You never know what you might find on a winding road, especially on a Wisconsin Rustic Road. This year is the 40 year anniversary of Wisconsin’s Rustic Roads program which have roads with outstanding natural features along its borders such as rugged terrain, native vegetation, native wildlife, or include open areas with agricultural vistas which singly or in combination uniquely set it apart from other roads.

I have a lot of miles to travel to cover all the Rustic Roads since there are 115 designated Rustic Roads spanning more than 665 miles through 59 counties.

Cute Red Shed

Cute Red Shed

Picture of the Day for July 10, 2014

I do love old wooden barns with their rustic look to them but while I was making a barn board frame yesterday, I couldn’t but think how nice and weathered the boards on this barn are which would make some wonderful frames. But other than some cracks in the foundations, this barn might be around for a little while longer so I guess I have to put my hammer and crowbar away for a bit yet.

Old Weathered Boards
Old Weathered Boards

Picture of the Day for June 29, 2014

Last Sunday, a local rural church celebrated 125 years, and while a congregation may continue, their building may not; sometimes due to fire, storm damage or age. The ‘Old Red Brick Church’, as known by the locals, is old and it is feeling its 109 years. The congregation have deemed the building unsafe and unusable and the cost to repair is beyond the means of the members so they voted to ‘deconstruct’ the local landmark.

Old Red Too Old

Old Red Too Old