Tag: Rustic Road 4

Picture of the Day for January 14, 2015

On the side of the Wisconsin’s Rustic Road #4, there is a cave into the limestone cliff which had been converted into a garage in 1938.  Time has deposited soil in front of the opening and the rusty hinge marks are all that is left from the doors, but I imagine it could tell some stories. I wonder if an old Model A was ever parked in it or if a house once stood nearby but maybe it was just one very large root cellar or cheese cooler. In time, the front might be completely covered over but for now maybe a bear takes a nap in the cave.

A Hillside Structure

A Hillside Structure

Picture of the Day for July 23, 2014

You never know what you might find on a winding road, especially on a Wisconsin Rustic Road. This year is the 40 year anniversary of Wisconsin’s Rustic Roads program which have roads with outstanding natural features along its borders such as rugged terrain, native vegetation, native wildlife, or include open areas with agricultural vistas which singly or in combination uniquely set it apart from other roads.

I have a lot of miles to travel to cover all the Rustic Roads since there are 115 designated Rustic Roads spanning more than 665 miles through 59 counties.

Cute Red Shed

Cute Red Shed

Picture of the Day for September 28, 2012

Since I used a digital painting of a photograph for the prior post, I thought I would do one more painting of the rustic road that I was on yesterday. And it is a ‘rustic’ road since the Wisconsin Legislature established the Rustic Roads program in 1973 to help citizens and local units of government preserve what remains of Wisconsin’s scenic, lightly traveled country roads.

To qualify for the Rustic Road program, a road should have outstanding natural features along its borders such as rugged terrain, native vegetation, native wildlife, or include open areas with agricultural vistas which singly or in combination uniquely set this road apart from other roads.

Rustic Road 4 description on the WI Rustic Road web site, the rustic road I traveled on yesterday, says “Beautiful fall colors mark the road in autumn, along with many coniferous trees. Watch for glacial rock formations and wild turkeys.” I saw the rock formations and caves, fall colors but didn’t see any turkeys but plenty of other birds.

Rustic Road 4

And the original photograph that I took of Rustic Road 4 before I made a painting out of it.