Tag: Scilla siberica

Picture of the Day for April 21, 2016

There is no blue in the sky but there some blue on the ground. Although the Siberian Squill is now considered to be an invasive species after being brought to this country as an ornamental and it is hard to eradicate so the bulb has spread rapidly. It very hardy and cold tolerant, and is left untouched by critters from voles to deer.

Sea of Blue

Sea of Blue

Picture of the Day for December 4, 2015

The trees are bare and the ground has some fallen leaves which are mostly covered with snow, but today’s scene doesn’t have spring flowers blooming among the white covering. A few frozen and withered late fall flowers is all that you might spot under the snow since the snow season has just started and spring flowers appearance is months away.

Blooming in Snow

Blooming in Snow