Tag: Sharp-lobed Hepatica

Picture of the Day for April 27, 2020

Today the birds sounded like they were inside my house as it was finally warm enough to open the windows for the first time this year. And the wildflowers seemed to soak up the warmth too with wood violets, bloodroots, and yellow trout lily blossoms finally opened. And the earlier opened hepatica blooms seemed to gain more color on this warm afternoon after the morning rain.

Sunny Hepaticas

Sunny Hepaticas


Picture of the Day for April 20, 2019

The sunshine and temperatures reaching into the seventies finally made it feel like spring. And even though I still have a small pile of snow refusing to melt, I had a mosquito trying to land on my arm today so that makes it officially spring. Plus a walk through the wood revealed two little Hepaticas just opening up so the first wildflowers confirmed spring too.

Finally Spring

Finally Spring

Picture of the Day for April 12, 2015

The snow must have fallen on the robin’s tail this past week and now it is officially spring since I finally spotted the first wildflower open yesterday and the frogs are singing. The flower was partially open yesterday but fully open this morning. The Sharp-loded Hepatica is the first wildflower to open in my woods each spring and since the blossom is less than an inch across, they can be easily overlooked since the foliage comes after they bloom. It was windy this morning so trying to capture the tiny blossom swaying on the hairy stalk was a challenge.

The First Wildflower of Spring

The First Wildflower of Spring

Picture of the Day for May 5, 2014

The sunshine on the weekend (and all the April rain) has allowed the Sharp-lobed Hepatica to open, which is the first wildflower to open in my woods. The bloodroots are following closely but the Hepatica, in the range of colors from white, pink, blues and violet, are the first to present new color on the woodland floor.

But being the first blossom open has it downfalls, as the first blossom which opened was totally bugged chewed, so I had to wait until a few more blossoms opened before taking a picture.

Sharp-lobed Hepatica

Sharp-lobed Hepatica