Tag: Skunk Cabbage

Picture of the Day for April 25, 2022

The few brave flowers which have blossomed probably wished they could generate heat like the skunk cabbage can. Otherwise they need a tent with a heater to weather another night below freezing. The skunk cabbage have the ability to metabolically generate heat by cyanide resistant cellular respiration which can raise the temperature about 20 degrees.

Warm Skunk Cabbage

Warm Skunk Cabbage

Picture of the Day for March 14, 2016

The first spring wildflower has emerged, although I had to travel two hours south to see it. In wetland areas, the skunk cabbage flower buds can warm up to 70 degrees, which thaws the ground and melts the snow to allow them to be one of the first wildflowers to bloom in early spring.

The flowers of the skunk cabbage appear before the leaves and the maroon hood is the spathe and the many petal-less flowers form the spiky spadix. The spathe opens more when the flower matures to allow more pollinators access. Its name comes from its unpleasant odor it emits to attract pollinators that are attracted to rotting meat. The scent is especially noticeable when the plant is bruised.

The Smelly Skunk Cabbage

The Smelly Skunk Cabbage