Tag: Sky

Picture of the Day for January 27, 2023

The sky finally cleared enough tonight to see the stars, but in January, clear skies often means cold temperatures. But since tonight might be the only clear sky with little moon the next few day, I did venture outside tonight to search for the comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF). I saw a shooting star first before spotting the comet but I didn’t try setting up my camera since the wind chills were below zero. It is more fun to observe a comet in July instead of January, like this comet visitor in 2020.

2020 Comet NEOWISE

2020 Comet NEOWISE

Picture of the Day for September 8, 2021

Although the day started out sunny, clouds rolled in waves with brief periods of rain and then the sun would return. But soon more clouds and rain appeared for a few minutes with the sun shining before the rain finished. The cycle continued several more times, but other than keeping the grass wet so I couldn’t mow, the total rain was less than a tenth of an inch.

Brief Rain Clouds

Brief Rain Clouds

Picture of the Day for September 7, 2015

There were fireworks going off in the neighborhood last night, I assuming to celebrate the holiday, but some others had nature’s version of fireworks with the rumble of thunder and the lightning brightening the night sky and reflecting in the water as the storms moved through the area. I wouldn’t want be in a tent camping out when a storm rolls though even if the lightning bounced around the clouds instead of a lot of ground strikes.

Brightening the Night Sky

Brightening the Night Sky