Tag: Squirrel

Picture of the Day for March 29, 2023

It has been hard for people to tap the maple trees for sap this spring with all the snow still on the ground, but maybe this American Red Squirrel has an easier time tapping the trees as folklore credits the red squirrel for the origin of maple syrup. They gouge the bark with its large front teeth and then leaves as the sap flows out. The squirrel returns later when the water evaporates from the sap and licks the maple sugary syrup.

American Red Squirrel

American Red Squirrel

Picture of the Day for February 17, 2022

I saw a squirrel dashing across the yard with something white in its mouth. I thought maybe the squirrel broke into my house and stole a big marshmallow, but instead it swipe one of the apples I had put out for the deer and  he had already eaten the peeling off. He kept turning the apple as it took another mouthful keeping the apple fairly round.

Apple Eating Squirrel

Apple Eating Squirrel

Picture of the Day for September 27, 2021

The acorns and bitternuts have been falling around in my yard and the squirrels and chipmunks have been busy hiding the treasures. The chipmunks with a full cheek, race down into their tunnels, but the squirrels are digging holes in the lawn to bury the nuts. And for a while, researchers felt the squirrels found their caches of food by smell, but new studies revealed that squirrels do use spatial memory to locate their stored food. This squirrel didn’t like being caught hiding his food stash.

Squirrel Stash

Squirrel Stash