Tag: Sunrise

Picture of the Day for April 12, 2013

Mother Nature is playing a late April Fool Day joke. It is snowing and I thought the saying was April showers bring May flowers. I have no clue what April snow brings besides cussing and sore backs from shoveling the heavy, wet snow. It definitely is not bringing flowers but it has brought a lot of birds to the feeders (and other critters too).

I probably should have posted a flower picture but maybe by giving the snow its coverage as the picture of the day, it can go hibernate for a while and let spring come!

Cruel Joke!

Cruel Joke

Picture of the Day for September 18, 2012

Last night there was predicted frost but it didn’t get as cold as last year when I was camping on the North Shore. While at the Gooseberry River, I went out early to get the sunrise picture over Lake Superior and had grabbed a towel to wipe the water off the bench while I waited. But I didn’t have to worry about the rain drops from the overnight sprinkles since they were frozen solid because it was 24 degrees out that morning!

But a few minutes after this shot, the sun made its appearance, creating a beautiful sunrise, melted the frozen water drops and a created a perfect day to explore the waterfalls.

Early Sunrise at the mouth of Gooseberry River