Tag: Sunset

Picture of the Day for May 3, 2014

Today is the fishing opener for the state so people are heading out to the lakes at the crack of dawn to catch the big one, except some lakes are still iced over. I am a wimp and I will wait a month until the landscape greens up before thinking about fishing as I prefer a sunny day with the temperature just right for short sleeves shirt and a light breeze from the west to blow the bugs away.

Waiting for a Warmer Fishing Day

Waiting for a Warmer Fishing Day

Picture of the Day for January 29, 2014

The sunset was colorful again tonight as I watched it from the comforts of indoors and I was debating whether to brave the cold or not for a picture when my mom called and asked if I saw the sunset. I figured that meant I should get a picture but by the time I bundled up for the cold and hiked the distance to get past tree for a picture, the colorful sunset had vanished, leaving only a hint of the former display.

Winter Sunset

Winter Sunset

Picture of the Day for January 28, 2014

There was a beautiful sunset tonight but I was too chicken to go back out in the -30ºF wind chill after being outside in it earlier in the day. In the summer I don’t have to walk too far to take a sunset picture but in the winter, it is a long walk in deep snow to get past the trees in order to take a picture. So since I didn’t brave the cold for tonight’s sunset, here is one from a warmer day.

No Winter Sunset

No Winter Sunset

Picture of the Day for December 30, 2013

“Red sky at morning, sailors take warning; Red sky at night, sailors’ delight.” This rhyme is an ancient rule of thumb for for weather forecasting, dating back over 2,000 years, based on the reddish glow of the morning or evening sky, caused by haze or clouds related to storms in the region. My grandmother would substitute the word fisherman instead of sailors and shepherds was one of the earliest phases used.

Well the red sunrise may not have brought a storm but it sure brought some frigid temperatures so the shepherd had better found shelter for his flock!

Red Sky Warning

Red Sky Warning