Tag: Sunset

Picture of the Day for June 20, 2020

The summer solstice today marks the beginning of summer and is the day with the longest amount of daylight hours. I was to have 15 hours and 36 minutes, although the rain today seemed to shorten the daylight, but it cleared in time for sunset. The amount of daylight varies by location and the South Pole had zero hours today while Utqiagvik, AK had the sun up all day long. Other cities like New York has 15 hours and 6 minutes, San Francisco with 14 hours and 46 minutes, and Miami with 13 hours and 45 minutes.

Summer Solstice Sunset

Summer Solstice Sunset

Picture of the Day for April 5, 2020

The critters seemed to have like the sunshine today as much as I did. The ducks were swimming in the pond instead of wadding through snow. Deer were grazing in the field, turkeys were strutting around and the rabbits were hopping across the lawn. Chipmunks and squirrels were chasing each other while the birds were chirping as my cats kept an eye on them. And at the end of the day, the critters disappeared into the darkness as the sun dipped below the horizon again.

Sunday Sunset

Sunday Sunset

Picture of the Day for March 29, 2020

I almost posted a picture of the poor geese getting snowed on this morning. They were probably wondering why they came back so soon even if the rain melted the ice off my pond. It was a wet gloomy day but just as the sun was setting, there was a break the clouds to give some color and light to an otherwise dismal day.

Sunset After Snow and Rain

Sunset After Snow and Rain