Tag: Trees

Picture of the Day for September 23, 2014

Autumn officially started last evening at 9:29 pm for my area but it was too dark then to see if the day was the same length as night, but the sun is out shining on the first full day of autumn highlighting the autumn leaves turning color early. And it is definitely fall as some of the leaves have fallen already. Autumn, by the calendar, is supposed to go until December 21 when winter begins, but winter will arrive much sooner than that here so it is a rip off that autumn always draws the short stick! So I guess I better enjoy the autumn colors since they won’t last long.

First Full Day of Autumn

First Full Day of Autumn

Picture of the Day for June 3, 2014

The last of the oaks are finally leafing out and it finally looks like summer, although not all the trees survived the long, harsh winter and some big and young trees will not leaf out again.

But the sun is out and it is a nice summer day for a change so I just might have to get my hammock out under the trees.

Trees Green Again

Trees Green Again

Picture of the Day for May 31, 2014

Anyone living in Wisconsin knows snow is a big part of life, but I do enjoy spring when things are blooming and the landscape turns green again. I took a photo of this barn in the winter and while the red provided a nice contrast against the white snow, I do prefer the red and green instead (even with some yellow from weeds) and some pinks too.

Red, Green with some Yellow and Pink

Red, Green with some Yellow and Pink