Tag: Trees

Picture of the Day for January 24, 2014

After watching more snow falling and blowing today, I decided I much rather see falling and blowing leaves, even though that would mean winter is around the corner and I sure don’t want a longer winter as this one has been long enough. But a warm, sunny fall day would be great about now as leaves on the road is easier to deal with than snow on the road.

Fallen Leaves Line the Road


Picture of the Day for January 5, 2014

Winter activities like cross country skiing, snowshoeing or just walking in the snow is enjoyed by some and one can hear the birds singing in the winter sunshine except when I was outside this afternoon, the squeaky snow was scaring any birds away. You know it is cold when the snow squeaks when you step on it.

There are three physical factors which lead to one mechanism cause snow to “squeak” when it reaches a certain cold temperature; lubrication of snow. No lubrication, then squeaky snow and with lubrication, quiet snow. Temperature, pressure of stepping on the snow and the shape of the snow crystals play into whether the snow has lubrication.

If the snow was squeaking today, I wonder what it will do tomorrow when it is really, really cold. It probably will be screaming instead of squeaking; screaming it is too cold!

Squeaky Snow

Squeaky Snow

Picture of the Day for December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas Everyone!

It definitely is a very white Christmas this year and I wish everyone a very wonderful Christmas.

(And all those of you singing “I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas” or “Let it Snow”, will you please be more specific where you want it to snow as I have to head out now again to shovel show and I haven’t sang either of those songs as there is enough snow at my place already!)

White Christmas

White Christmas

Picture of the Day for December 6, 2013

You often hear people say that ‘things will look better in the morning’. Even in the Disney’s Jungle Book, Bagheera said the same quote, but it sure didn’t look better this morning as the trees are still ice and snow coated and it definitely did not feel better with the temperatures below zero. The poor trees seem as weary of winter as I am and winter has only started.

Not Better in the Morning

Snowy Morning

Picture of the Day for October 22, 2013

Colored leaves and red apples on the trees announce that fall is here, but as soon as it gets here, it seems to slip away too quickly as more leaves are on the ground than on the tree, the days get cloudy and cold, and the apples are harvested before they freeze. And hopefully these apples were picked since the temperature was 23ºF last night, otherwise the birds will have a supply of apples to pick at.

Signs of Autumn

Signs of Autumn