Tag: Trees

Picture of the Day for April 22, 2020

One suggestion for this year’s Earth Day was to take a walk (while social distancing) and discover native plants. I did notice a few leaves of native plants but my outdoor activity today consisted mainly of picking up limbs and branches that wind gust from a few days ago and the heavy snows all winter brought down. It almost seemed like more limbs on the ground than remaining on the trees since I didn’t get finished picking them all up off the lawn today.

Tree Limbs

Tree Limbs

Picture of the Day for March 5, 2020

There was no happy birds singing this morning as the fluffy snowflakes fell. At least the amount of snow wasn’t a lot as it changed from big flakes, to drizzle before switching to ice pellets and then finally to small snowflakes again. So while it was a gray day, it wasn’t a heavy snow, like some past winter days in which even the trees seemed weary of winter.

Weary of Winter

Weary of Winter