Tag: Tuberous Grass-pink

Picture of the Day for July 12, 2020

With slightly lower temperatures, it was more pleasurable to spend time outside so a walk looking for wildflower might be a good activity on a Sunday sunny summer day. Last summer my sister showed me the different flowers growing around her area including these Tuberous Grass-pink, an orchid native to eastern North America.

Tuberous Grass-pink

Tuberous Grass-pink

Picture of the Day for July 3, 2019

There has been fireworks lighting up the sky tonight, even though it isn’t the Fourth yet. There are wildflowers, like the hairy wild bergamot, which look like mini-fireworks near the ground. The unopened blooms of the Tuberous Grass-pink look like shooting rockets before they explode into a color display like the open blossoms. The Tuberous Grass-pink are native orchids to Wisconsin but with grass-like stems, they are not very noticeable unless they are blooming.

Tuberous Grass-pink

Tuberous Grass-pink