Tag: Violet

Picture of the Day for March 20, 2017

The birds were singing more on this warmer day as spring officially starts. And the ground and the outside house walls had plenty of flies crawling around so I could have turned my tree frog loose for an afternoon smack when the sun came out later in the day. And it must be spring as I spotted a mosquito too, even though there are no spring flowers blooming. I rather see flowers than those nasty insects.

Pretty Violets 

Pretty Violets

Picture of the Day for May 29, 2014

Wisconsin became a state on May 29, 1848 and when the state flowers were first nominated in 1908, the school children voted for the wildflower on Arbor Day 1909. They selected the wood violet over the wild rose, trailing arbutus, and the white water lily.

The wood violet is commonly seen in wet woodland, meadow areas, along roadsides and on my lawn this year. They are also in my woods and it seemed like a fitting picture to have a wood violet near some wood.

Woodsy Wood Violets

Woodsy Wood Violets

Picture of the Day for May 31, 2013

April showers bring May flowers, but this year it was April and May snows that eventually retreated that allowed some May flowers in a compress time so different varieties were blooming at the same time when normally they wouldn’t be. Now the wood violet is adding color amongst the white wood anemones and sometimes you can find a cluster of color.

A dear friend recently told me that ‘family does not have to be blood, sometimes they are just different flowers growing in the same garden’. Even if these violets are the same species, each is slightly different in size, color or flaws from insect damage but their uniqueness, like in people, create a beautiful garden.

Wood Violets

Wood Violets