Tag: Wagon

Picture of the Day for December 1, 2015

The start of December means that winter is just really starting and there will be more snow and cold coming for many months yet. I don’t think this wagon will be big enough to haul winter farther north. And for the earlier generations, this mode of transportation wasn’t closed in or have a heater to kept a person warm, so I guess I can’t complain about winter but I still might anyway!

Heavy Wagon

Heavy Wagon

Picture of the Day for June 23, 2015

I had to pick up a lot of limbs from the wind and rain yesterday morning, so I was glad to have a sturdier structure to be inside than a covered wagon during a storm. The pioneers were a brave bunch of people to travel west all those miles in just a covered wagon, carrying all their belongings and food to make a start a new life.

Covered Wagon

Covered Wagon

Picture of the Day for July 4, 2012

Well since there were some squishish reactions to yesterday’s spider picture, I’ll stay away from the insects today. I don’t mind the spiders so much if they are outside and I don’t get the web across my face but there is an insect I hate – those nasty mosquitoes that were biting me when I was getting the sunset last night so I didn’t venture out to take pictures the neighbor’s fireworks last night. So instead I had to use some of last year’s fireworks instead for today’s picture.

I’ll see if tonight the wind is blowing enough to chase the skeeters away and if I can get some new firework pictures.

Happy 4th of July!