Tag: Warbler

Picture of the Day for April 30, 2022

A little over a hundred miles to the south of my place, my sister spotted the first grosbeak back for the season. I haven’t seen one yet but the Yellow-rumped Warblers as been around for about a week, although they have been at suet feeder a lot since the cold, wet spring hasn’t provided a lot of insects for their snacks. The Yellow-rumped Warbler have two distinct subspecies – the “Myrtle” Warbler of the eastern U.S. with a white throat and “Audubon’s” Warbler of the mountainous West with a yellow throat.

Yellow-rumped “Myrtle” Warbler

Yellow-rumped "Myrtle" Warbler

Picture of the Day for October 16, 2018

Most of the summertime birds have headed south, and others might be thinking of their departure soon after the snow. But some birds appear more noticeable in the fall after the others have left, or the migratory ones are spotted for a short time period as they pass through the area. The Yellow-rump Warbler can been see flitting around after insects but they also eat berries and nuts especially in the winter.

Yellow-rump Warbler

Yellow-rump Warbler

Picture of the Day for May 16, 2018

With an array of bright and color birds filling the spring skies, some duller looking birds may be overlooked unless they have a loud voice like the little wren. The warblers are a small bird too which have a range of colors but the palm warbler is a dull brownish-olive color with a rusty cap but their near-constant tail-wagging may catch your eye.

Little Palm Warbler

Little Palm Warbler