Tag: Winter

Picture of the Day for December 29, 2017

It just doesn’t seem fair that I had to shovel snow when the temperature was below zero, and it snowed again after I had cleared the cement off so had to reshovel. I have thought that winter could last during Christmas break so the kids could play in the snow, but a week of winter feels too long with this cold spell with no warming in sight and spring is too far away.

Snow on Cold Day

Snow on Cold Day

Picture of the Day for December 24, 2017

One year I put Christmas lights on this tree, even all the way to the top by standing on the tallest stepladder I had in addition to a 20 foot pole, as I don’t like trees with light only near the bottom. But Mother Nature decided to add more decorations in the way of icicles and the heavy weight of the ice pulled my lights down towards the bottom so it looked like a dorky tree. So the next year, I did a smaller tree that I could put the lights back up easier but the rabbits decided to chew on the extension cord. So now I just let Mother Nature decorate the tree however she wants – although I wished it wasn’t in the form of cold temperatures.

Mother Nature Decorates the Christmas Tree

Mother Nature Decorates the Christmas Tree

Picture of the Day for December 17, 2017

The foggy morning decorated the trees and other things with hoarfrost making pine trees appear white and stripping even more color from the landscape. I like to see the hoarfrost in sunshine and blue skies to see the crystals sparkle and stand out before they melt. But many times like today, it stayed cloudy and when the wind picked up, it looked like it was snowing as the frost fell.

Decorated in Hoarfrost

Decorated in Hoarfrost