Tag: Wood Duck

Picture of the Day for May 25, 2024

Last year, the female wood duck kept her ducklings at my pond for several days before marching them off across the field, but this year they only stayed a day before the tribe left. I want a GPS tracker on her to see where she takes them instead of staying at my pond until they can fly in about 9 weeks. There is no big body of water very close to my pond so I don’t know where she takes them. They can scoot very fast across the water but not walking through tall grasses.  The estimate is only 30 to 40% survive predators during their first 90 days.

One Day of Swimming Only

One Day of Swimming Only

Picture of the Day for May 23, 2024

After waiting patiently (or really not), the baby wood ducks finally started to hatch today as the first chicks began appearing out from the mother duck. I was worried when she had left the nest for most of one night when something scared her out of the box that maybe they wouldn’t hatch or that a racoon would get the eggs, so it was great to see the ducklings hatching. Of the 17 eggs laid, 14 of them hatched.

Hatching Has Started

Hatching Has Started

Picture of the Day for April 18, 2024

The squirrel returned this evening is and sleeping in the duck house again tonight, but one of the other duck houses actually is being used by a wood duck. She has been laying eggs since the 10th and now she is sitting on the eggs. When she was laying the eggs, she covered them with the wood shavings so I didn’t see the eggs at first, but now she covered the eggs with her down feathers.

Duck Sitting on Eggs

Duck Sitting on Eggs

Picture of the Day for May 26, 2018

When I was trying to photograph the rainbow last evening, I scared off three ducks on my pond but I didn’t realize one of the females was still in the nest box until I got too close to her. She flew out of the nesting box and waited on the edge of the pond until I left the area. I wonder if I will spot when the babies leave the nest.

Waiting Female Wood Duck

Waiting Female Wood Duck

Picture of the Day for May 13, 2017

I took a walk around the field and woods this evening and spotted lots of birds enjoying the nice sunny day. Some bluebirds were busy sitting on their eggs, a yellow warbler looking for a place to build a nest, chickadees were in the apple blossoms as well as a hummingbird, two male orioles were chasing each other, tree swallows scolded me, the grosbeaks were eating sunflower seeds and the tiny wrens were singing up a storm. As since I was busy looking up, I almost missed a little fuzzy thing scooting across the pond. A baby wood duck headed for the grass where its mother was already hiding. I didn’t see the other babies tonight but I had spotted about seven of them the other day.

Wood Duck Hiding

Wood Duck Hiding