Tag: Wood Ducks

Picture of the Day for May 24, 2024

Baby wood ducks usually leave the nest the morning after hatching, and that’s when my ducklings left. With the ducklings very active the next morning and practicing their climbing skills, the mother left the box and called for the chicks. Last year, the duckling all left the box in under a minute, but this year the ducklings did not win any prize for a quick exit when one poor duckling kept jumping to the light shone on the back wall instead of the opening. I just wanted to grab the poor guy and help him out the hole.

Ducklings Leaving

Ducklings Leaving

Picture of the Day for March 28, 2020

Yesterday evening I spotted a male wood duck by my pond, even though the pond was covered with ice. This morning there was five male and three females wood ducks and one of the males was acting like an icebreaker vessel as it jumped on the ice several times to create a path in the ice. The rain today helped melt some of the ice, giving the ducks more room to swim around.

Wood Ducks Return

Wood Ducks Return

Picture of the Day for April 24, 2018

Even though there was a few patches of ice left on my pond, some ducks finally returned last evening. There were three wood ducks and a pair of mallards all swimming around the pond and the female wood duck entered the wood duck house several times so maybe the weather will stay nice so she can lay some eggs.

Return of the Wood Ducks
Return of the Wood Ducks

Wood Ducks Preening


Picture of the Day for March 9, 2017

I took a walk around outside, in an attempt to look for any mail which might have blown out of my mailbox from the windy days since it was blowing the door open, but there wasn’t too much activity happening in the field. With the pond still covered with ice, there are no wood ducks hanging around the pond, even though most of the snow is gone, at least temporarily.

No Ducks Yet

No Ducks Yet

Picture of the Day for April 24, 2016

A rainy Sunday morning doesn’t lend itself for a walk in the woods to look at wildflowers as a majority of blossoms will be closed up with no sun shining, but there is some color to see, especially in the pond with some ducks playing and splashing in the water. My little pond has become a stopping place for eleven wood ducks and three mallards and at times it looks like water skiers when some of the males chase each other.

Male Wood Ducks

Male Wood Ducks