Tag: Wooden Barn

Picture of the Day for March 29, 2014

The barn styles often change from one area to another. The foundations may be field stones, limestone or cement depending on available materials. The roof may be rounded, have several pitches or single pitch.

Weathervanes or cupolas may adorn the roofs. Cupola, meaning little cupo or little dome, allowed light in and hot air to escape and have been a part of wooden barns history. Farmers have often referred to a cupola as a roof over a hole in the roof. This barn, built in 1893, proudly displays a pretty cupola.

Cupola Barn

Cupola Barn

Picture of the Day for March 4, 2014

This barn looks as sad as I feel when the weatherman mentioned more snow. I don’t think this barn can handle anymore snow and I’m not sure other buildings can either. I know I can’t throw the snow up over the piles anymore so waiting for spring to arrive and as the one weatherman said, spring will arrive sometime in 2014.

More Sad

More Sad

Picture of the Day for January 16, 2014

The gray winter days are sometimes brightened by some colorful objects on the landscape like red barns. And a colorful quilt pattern on a barn is an added bonus.

Quilt barns have been around for hundreds of years and a movement in early 2000s have seen more new quilt blocks appearing on barns again. Now there are Barn Quilt trails, which originated in Ohio, in most states so maybe I will have to go visit each one (starting in the warmer states during the winter).

Quilt Barn

Quilt Barn

Picture of the Day for November 18, 2013

Monday is the normal start to the work week, but for this barn, there is no weekend or rest. And what history this old barn has seen over the years since one end is even log construction during the horse and wagon days. I wonder what was parked outside the barn first, an automobile or a tractor. And if a tractor, the current tractors are huge compared to the first one which the barn would have seen. And I am sure there are some marks on the walls from where a piece of equipment hit it or where the horse chewed on the boards or even cattle rubbing on the walls. If only the barn could tell its story.

Part Log Barn

Part Log Barn

Picture of the Day for November 14, 2013

The majority of the barn pictures which I photograph are taken from the road and rarely do I get to go inside the barns. So I was a little surprised to find a barn inside a barn after taking a picture of the outside of this barn a year ago but never realized the hidden treasure inside.

There are some barn constructions in which a silo is built inside the barn and in this case, it appears the stand-alone granary was encompassed by a larger building at a later time.

Barn in a Barn

Barn in a Barn

Picture of the Day for October 22, 2013

Colored leaves and red apples on the trees announce that fall is here, but as soon as it gets here, it seems to slip away too quickly as more leaves are on the ground than on the tree, the days get cloudy and cold, and the apples are harvested before they freeze. And hopefully these apples were picked since the temperature was 23ºF last night, otherwise the birds will have a supply of apples to pick at.

Signs of Autumn

Signs of Autumn